Treffen von PSL-Aktivisten mit Abgeordneten von La France Insoumise in der französischen Nationalversammlung
Die Folgen des Krieges in der Ukraine treffen zunehmend weite Teile der Bevölkerung – und mit jeder neuen Woche wird immer offensichtlicher: Die Bedingungen des aktuell vorgeschlagenen Waffenstillstands sind keine Lösung für die zugrunde liegenden Probleme. Diese Situation erlegt Menschenrechtsaktivisten und Mitgliedern des französischen Parlaments die besondere Verantwortung auf, echte Lösungen vorzuschlagen, die zu einem…
Third Anniversary of the War. Discussion in Paris
On February 24, at the initiative of the Post-Soviet Left organization, a discussion entitled “A Nasty Peace or a War until Victory?” was held in Paris. More than 20 anti-war activists from Russia, Ukraine, Sweden and France gathered in the hall of the International Center of Popular Cultures. “I would very much like us not…
Repressions against communists in Ukraine
According to the Kyiv City Prosecutor’s Office, SBU officers detained people who, according to investigators, were allegedly connected to the Workers‘ Front of Ukraine. RFU representatives stated that the people had no connection to the organization, but were representatives of anti-fascist views. These activists resisted violent mobilization and positioned themselves as an unofficial political force…
Program of Social Changes: A Call for Participation
The liberal opposition movement in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus has proven incapable of mass mobilization and effective resistance due to its dependence on elite structures and “irreplaceable leaders.” Liberals ignore and feel hostility toward left-wing internationalists, which rules out equal cooperation. Centrist rhetoric, focused exclusively on the fight against the figure of the president, is…
To remember is to fight!
On January 19, in various European countries, demonstrations of antifascist solidarity organized or supported by our organization took place. In Düsseldorf , our event was dedicated to commemorating Russian antifascists and supporting imprisoned antifascists in Russia. The gathering took place in a warm, supportive atmosphere. German guests also actively expressed solidarity with Russian antifascists, eagerly joined…
Volkov’s Betrayal
Recently, Leonid Volkov, a representative of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK), made a statement in an interview with journalist Yuri Dud that, despite its significance, did not spark widespread reaction among Russian opposition circles. He stated that neither he personally nor his organization intend to defend Russians abroad, including those forced into political exile. Moreover, Volkov…
Half-Year Activity Report
The Post-Soviet Left Union (PSL) is a young organization of left-wing internationalists in Europe. Over the past six months, we have continued to grow steadily, broadening our base of supporters and engaging an ever-increasing number of people in political action. We have organized a variety of projects and events, strengthening our position and significantly expanding…
Every deserter brings peace closer!
Yesterday, four actions of Ukrainian and Russian anti-war activists took place: in Cologne, Berlin and two in Paris. Our organization took an active part in their organization. COLOGNE: Several dozen people came out to highlight the problems of Ukrainian citizens suffering from the dictatorship of the TCC. Condemning the crimes of the Zelensky regime, we…
Weg von Folter und autoritärem Kriegszwang
Menschenrechte und sofortige Friedensverhandlungen für eine souveräne Ukraine Eine transnationale Gruppe von Ukrainerinnen und Ukrainern, die sich im Exil neu organisiert haben, tritt in europäischen Städten an die Öffentlichkeit, um auf die gravierenden Menschenrechtsverletzungen und autoritären Praktiken im Zusammenhang mit der militärischen Mobilisierung in der Ukraine aufmerksam zu machen. Unterstützt werden sie dabei von der Post-Soviet…
Why a Ceasefire is Beneficial to Ukraine
On March 29, 2022, important negotiations took place in Istanbul between the delegations of Ukraine and Russia, negotiations on which there had been high hopes. On that day, the Ukrainian side presented to the Russian representatives a draft agreement known as the “Istanbul Communiqué.” The document included key proposals: Ukraine expressed its willingness to enshrine…