🗓 JANUARY 19: Day of Remembrance for Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova
Our organization and our supporters are actively involved in organizing events commemorating the Russian anti-fascists Stanislav Markelov and Nastya Baburova. On this day, actions and events will take place in various cities across Europe to highlight the importance of fighting fascism and right-wing violence.
Half-Year Activity Report
The Post-Soviet Left Union (PSL) is a young organization of left-wing internationalists in Europe. Over the past six months, we have continued to grow steadily, broadening our base of supporters and engaging an ever-increasing number of people in political action. We have organized a variety of projects and events, strengthening our position and significantly expanding…
Every deserter brings peace closer!
Yesterday, four actions of Ukrainian and Russian anti-war activists took place: in Cologne, Berlin and two in Paris. Our organization took an active part in their organization. COLOGNE: Several dozen people came out to highlight the problems of Ukrainian citizens suffering from the dictatorship of the TCC. Condemning the crimes of the Zelensky regime, we…
Weg von Folter und autoritärem Kriegszwang
Menschenrechte und sofortige Friedensverhandlungen für eine souveräne Ukraine Eine transnationale Gruppe von Ukrainerinnen und Ukrainern, die sich im Exil neu organisiert haben, tritt in europäischen Städten an die Öffentlichkeit, um auf die gravierenden Menschenrechtsverletzungen und autoritären Praktiken im Zusammenhang mit der militärischen Mobilisierung in der Ukraine aufmerksam zu machen. Unterstützt werden sie dabei von der Post-Soviet…
Why a Ceasefire is Beneficial to Ukraine
On March 29, 2022, important negotiations took place in Istanbul between the delegations of Ukraine and Russia, negotiations on which there had been high hopes. On that day, the Ukrainian side presented to the Russian representatives a draft agreement known as the “Istanbul Communiqué.” The document included key proposals: Ukraine expressed its willingness to enshrine…
Strike of Russian and Ukrainian guides in France
Many people already know that such professions as couriers or taxi drivers have many problems. This work does not require special education, workers are easily replaceable, which means that from the point of view of the manager, the employee can be exploited to the maximum. This is exactly the same situation with tour guides in…
Away from Torture and Authoritarian War Conscription
Human Rights and Immediate Peace Negotiations for a Sovereign Ukraine When and Where 2:00 PM, likely at the train station square. Bring signs, hot drinks, and a good mood! Reports of human rights violations against Ukrainians, including the use of torture to force them into participation in the war, continue to rise. According to…
Linkes Emigrationsforum tagt in Köln
Am 2. und 3. November 2024 fand in Köln das Linke Emigrationsforum statt. Über 70 Teilnehmer aus Belarus, Russland und der Ukraine nahmen daran teil. Die behandelten Themen umfassten: – Unterstützung von verfolgten Aktivisten bei einer schnellen Ausreise,– Schaffung von Netzwerken und Mechanismen zur gegenseitigen Hilfe für Emigranten,– Entwicklung einer politischen Agenda und Unterstützung linker, antikriegsgerichteter…
BPL’s Position on the Ukrainian Regime
We are publishing our organization’s position on what we consider the Ukrainian part of the solution to the current international and social crisis in Eastern Europe. To gain a more comprehensive understanding of our stance, it should be viewed in conjunction with what we have written regarding Russia (https://postsovietleft.org/ru/2024/10/22/позиция-bpl-по-российскому-режиму/). The war in Ukraine emerged as…
BPL’s Summer Activities
Summer is traditionally considered a time of relative political calm. People go on vacation or focus on personal matters, and there are usually fewer political events taking place. Nevertheless, our organization remained active throughout the season, promoting an anti-capitalist, internationalist agenda and seeking new supporters. Members of BPL participated in two major gatherings of communist…
The BPL’s position on the Russian regime
The war in Ukraine is the result of a crisis in international relations. The current negotiation process system has failed to stop and prevent the war. Despite mutual sanctions, the hands of imperialists are unbound. Eastern Europe, and primarily Ukraine, has become the battlefield. While there may be debates about the causes, timeline, and overall…